I think my team has encountered a bug with the selector UI. I have built a rig and saved off a custom selector UI configuration to both the rig and a separate file, however when I give the files to one of our animators to load up, and create a test animation, they are presented with the results in the attached screen shot. (Character redacted from my original layout for NDA purposes.)
We have tried the following…
1. hand editing the .rrm3ui files to match the main UI width/ height back and forth between files. (Mine and one the animator saved off.)
2.Tried loading the selector UI in both referenced files and the main rig scene for both myself and the animator.
3.Tried scaling the animators window up and then re loading the saved .rrm3ui
We cannot seem to get a consistent result between users. Note this is in Maya 2024.0.1, With RRM3.00.00. I have not tried in Maya 2022 or 2023.
Any advice would be much appreciated. I really loved RRM2 and would like to roll RRM3 into our pipeline, but we would need to resolve the selector UI issue.
On a side note, is there a way to setup custom space switching in the tool? Our animators would like to be able to set hands to space switch follow heads, spine 2, props, etc. Specifically, without any popping between switching. Is that something doable within RRM3?
My Layout
What the animator sees.
Hello, I will investigate this. By chance, do you know if the animator had any errors when trying to load up the UI? Currently there is not a way to add more controls to space switch between. This functionality does exist on the auxiliaries due to their simplicity. But a user could easily end up with cycles in their rig that could cause all kinds of problems if given that kind of freedom.