Hi Dustin
I am trying to create an Aux bone for the eye proxy,
I am unable to use mirror option on aux creation as it creates two aux bones on the same eye, i.e, creating TestEyelid Aux on Head_l_Eye there mirrorable proxies are on the same Head_l_Eye instead of Head_l_Eye - > RRM_l_TestEyelid_Aux AND Head_r_Eye -> RRM_r_TestEyelid_Aux
To work around this I have created a new LookAt for eyes and creating Aux on this eye does work for my expectation but unfortunately the controls that are generated are unusually offset (RRM_l_T_Upper_Aux)
Sorry if this has already been addressed in the forum, I could not find out. Thank you for helping me!
Thank you Dustin for the detailed repro to fix this, appreciate it!