If building eyes through the head module, the eyes only come in pairs. The ability to build a non-mirrored eye and brow is in the backlog. I am doing a major code refactoring right now which should make this feature easier to implement.In the meantime, you could just center one eye and hide the other by making it really small and putting it inside the head. I realize this is not ideal because you end up with a lot of extra controls and mirroring will not work as expected. But it's the best option for now.
If building eyes through the head module, the eyes only come in pairs. The ability to build a non-mirrored eye and brow is in the backlog. I am doing a major code refactoring right now which should make this feature easier to implement. In the meantime, you could just center one eye and hide the other by making it really small and putting it inside the head. I realize this is not ideal because you end up with a lot of extra controls and mirroring will not work as expected. But it's the best option for now.