Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I went through and setup custom mapping for attaching my RRM3 Rig to a Custom Skeleton. It seems to work fine if I do it and then press 'Attach RRM3 Rig to Mapped Joints'. However when I save that mapping to a .RRM3RigToSkel file, and try to Load it onto another file, the mappings don't match.
Here's a comparison of the .RRM3RigToSkel file I made and what the resulting mapping was when I loaded it.
As you can see, for Rig:MainOffset_Ctrl, I want it to map to Mesh:root, however it maps to Mesh:pelvis. Rig:Camera_Aux_Ctrl should map to Mesh:camera, but instead maps to Mesh:ref_offset, and so on.
I am using namespaces for my mesh and rig file. I don't know if there's something I might be doing on my end that causes the mapping not to line up?
Hi, I have put in a fix for this in rrm3_installers_BETA_2024_03_24. It should now load the data properly. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks for reporting!